Statutes of the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature, ca. 1834.


Statutes of the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature, ca. 1834.

This folder contains a single document describing the rules and statutes of the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature signed by Cornelius Conway Felton in circa 1834. The document is divided into three chapters and is written on parchment. Chapter I asserts that the endowment will be managed by the President and Fellows of Harvard College for the support of a professor of Greek language and of Greek literature at Harvard University. Chapter II discusses the rules by which the Professor is elected and affirms that the Professor "shall be a Master of Arts, of the Christian Protestant religion, and shall bear the character of a learned, pious, and honest man." Chapter III outlines the Professor's teaching duties "to cultivate and promote the knowledge of the Greek Language and of Greek Literature." The statutes state that the Eliot Professor must give public and private lectures and frequent examinations and exercises on the "genius, structure, characteristics, and excellances of the Greek Language," on Greek authors, on the interpretation of the Septuagint, an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible; on the Greek New Testament, and "point out the best course of reading and study for those who would become versed in Grecian literature." Moreover, the statutes affirm the Corporation's authority to regulate the lectures and exercises given by the Professor and to add to the duties of the Professorship as long as those additional duties are confined to instruction in Greek language and literature.

1 leaf (.41 cubic feet, 1 portfolio folder)

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